
Andres Sacco

Technical Leader

Empresa : TravelX

Transmisión: В

Tiempo: 14:00 - 14:45

País: Argentina

Idioma: Español

Nombre de la charla: AI helps me! I have a lot of tests to analyze

Acerca de nuestro invitado

Soy desarrollador desde hace mas de 16 años y busco por medio de distintos tipos de pruebas mejorar la calidad de mis aplicaciones para ello investigo nuevas tecnologias o formas alternativas de como resolverlo. Debido a esto ultimo es que trato de compartir mis experiencias con la mayor cantidad de personas que se pueda.

Nombre de la charla: AI helps me! I have a lot of tests to analyze

During this talk, you will see the problems that could appear when you have errors or issues with your different types of tests and how the existing tools that most developers use must provide an automatic way to categorize or predict if other ones could be connected. You will learn how to ReportPortal collect and parse the information of the execution of the tests using machine learning. You can infer if different types of errors have certain similarities and show you that information with the idea of validating it. Also, you will see the relevance of having information on the previous executions and metrics about the evolution of our tests.